Astrologer Laura Craig

Taurus (April 19-May 19)

Vincent Van Gogh, “The Siesta after Millet”

The bull, were he given his choice, would lead an uncomplicated life. Most of the day would be taken up with grazing, sauntering around the pasture, a conjugal visit or two with the cows when the time is right, followed by a nap under a shade tree, and then back to grazing. If there is work to be done, a plough to be pulled for instance, then so be it. It will get done in due time, and done thoroughly. As long as his pace is unhurried and his quietude isn’t threatened, the bull is a figure of strength, simplicity and steadiness. Challenge him, provoke him, or endanger his family, however, and he will warn you in no uncertain terms to step off. If you persist, despite his warnings, then eventually he will see red, and his strength will become brute force. And if he comes at you head-on—well, it’s your life. 

Those who were born under the sign of Taurus are often described as the salt of the earth. Like the bull, their zodiac symbol, there is a solid trustworthiness to a Taurean, and their stable and grounded nature gives a sense of security to those in their presence. Their integrity, dependability, patience, and commitment to providing for themselves makes them designed for the long game and the good life. You can safely bet on a Taurus, but please don’t take advantage of their strength or take their loyalty for granted. By the same token, get used to seeing their stubborn side every once in a while, don’t expect them to handle change very well, and don’t expect them to do anything in a hurry. They, in turn, must guard against possessiveness and laziness. Rules to live by for this fixed earth sign.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, goddess with many faces and many names. In this case, picture Egyptian Hathor or Celtic Boann. These natives are attuned to the world on a sensory level, operate according to non-verbal truths, and have an awareness of time much older and much deeper than that of the Industrial Age clock. Taurus has an inherent mistrust of over-talkers, a frustration with over-thinkers, and a disgust for pretentiousness. Life in the digital age can be hard at times for the archetypal Silent One: the fast-paced, synthetic, technology-worshipping ways of 21st century life can feel artificial, superficial and unhealthy for Taurus in large doses. They must have refuge in or near the natural world to find calm. The feeling of skin on skin, of hands in the dirt, of food in the belly, of a breeze coming off the water—these are balm for the soul. God is found in the forest, or at the beach, or in the garden. Singing is the best medicine of all: Taurus bestows on the native a powerful, beautiful voice.

Where Taurus lies in your chart is where you can find your animal nature and your physicality. It’s where you go to slow down and where you seek inner peace. Where you find the tangible. With the Sun traveling through that house this month, ask yourself: what is my body telling me it wants? What do I hear when I’m not talking? What animal do I identify with, or, what animal keeps showing up for me lately, and what can I learn from it? What do I want to invest in? What are my values and have I been honoring them? And finally, what is my relationship to my voice, and how can using it be a source of pleasure and healing, both for myself and for others?

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